
德國長期簽證 2024 更新版 | 長期簽證申請表格 中文填寫詳細教學

此篇文章將介紹簽證申請文件中,『長期簽證申請表』表格填寫的說明,如要瀏覽完整的簽證申請程序可以參考 此篇文章

2023 年開始,德國在台協會已經將原先下載 PDF 填寫簽證申請表格的形式,更改為直接於網站表格填寫後再印出,因此本篇文章會說明如何完成簽證表格填寫。

單國德國長期簽證 簽證表格填寫

簽證申請表格連結 : videx-national.diplo.de

本篇文章會以「單國德國長期簽證 – 於德國境內就讀高等學院簽證」簽證種類作為示範,如果申請其他簽證種類部分答案須根據自身狀況進行調整。

Personal details 個人資料

德國簽證申請表格 Applicant's personal data
  • Applicant’s personal data 申請者個人資料
    • Family name (目前姓氏)
    • Name at birth/former family name(s) (原先出生時的姓氏,如無更改無需填寫)
    • First name(s) (名字)
    • Date of birth (dd.mm.yyyy) (出生日月年)
    • Place of birth (出生城市)
    • Country of birth (出生國家)
    • Sex (性別)
    • Marital status (婚姻狀況)
    • Current nationality (目前國籍)
    • Former nationality (先前國籍,如無更改無需填寫)
    • Do you have children? (是否擁有子女)
德國簽證表格 Parents of the applicant
  • Parents of the applicant 申請者親屬資料
    • Family name of father (父親姓氏)
    • First name(s) of father (父親名字)
    • Nationality of father (父親國籍)
    • Father’s date of birth (父親生日)
    • Father’s place of birth (父親出生城市)
    • Father’s place of residence (父親居住城市)
    • Family name of mother (母親姓氏)
    • First name(s) of mother (母親名字)
    • Nationality of mother (母親國籍)
    • Mother’s date of birth (母親生日)
    • Mother’s place of birth (母親出生城市)
    • Mother’s place of residence (母親居住城市)
德國簽證申請表格 Occupation
  • Occupation 職業
    • Occupation learned (學習的專業項目/領域)
    • further information where applicable (針對學習專業的補充,如有需要)
    • Current occupation (if different) (目前專業,如與過去學校專業不同)

Contact data 聯絡資訊


德國單國長期簽證 Current address and contact details
  • Current address and contact details 聯絡資訊詳情
    • Street (不包含縣市,地址「號」以前的所有資訊)
    • House number (居住地「號」)
    • Other address information (補充資訊,例如樓層或幾樓之幾)
    • Postal code (郵遞區號)
    • Town/city (縣市)
    • Country (國家)
    • Telephone/mobile number (聯絡電話)
    • Email (電子郵件)
    • Is your residence in a country other than that of your current nationality (居住地是否與國籍不同)

Identification papers 護照 (證件) 資訊

德國單國長期簽證 Identification papers
  • Identification papers
    • Type of travel document (證件類型,一般為護照 Ordinary Passport)
    • Travel document number (護照號碼)
    • Date of issue (dd.mm.yyyy) (護照核發日期)
    • Valid until (dd.mm.yyyy) (護照到期日)
    • Issuing state (生效地)
    • Issued by (核發機構)

Travel data 旅程資訊

德國單國長期簽證 Travel data and purpose
  • Travel data and purpose 旅遊詳情與目的
    • Purpose of stay in the Federal Republic of Germany (旅遊目的)
    • If applicable, intended employment (學習目的無需填寫)
    • Intended duration of stay in the Federal Republic of Germany (預計停留時間)
    • I intend to stay for no longer than twelve months in the Federal territory and apply for a visa that covers the entire duration of my stay (停留時間不會超過一年)

Reference 入境依據

德國學生簽證 Educational establishmentcompanyorganisation
  • Educational establishment/company/organisation (學校資訊)
    • Type of reference (入境證明,一般為第二個 Educational establishment)
    • Name of the educational establishment, company or organisation (學校名稱)
    • Family name of contact person (學校聯繫人姓氏)
    • First name(s) of contact person (學校聯繫人名字)
    • Street (學校地址,不含城市及號)
    • House number (號)
    • Postal code (郵遞區號)
    • Town/city (城市)
    • Country (國家)
    • Telephone/mobile number (聯絡電話)

Means of support and details regarding the stay 財力來源與預訂居住地

德國學生簽證 Means of support and details regarding the stay
  • Means of support and details regarding the stay
    • What are your means of support in the Federal Republic of Germany (經濟來源,一般填寫 Blocked Account 或 Scholarship)
    • Has a formal declaration of commitment been completed (一般台灣學生填寫 No)
    • Intended place of stay in the Federal Republic of Germany (預定居住地,如已確定宿舍或租屋處可以填寫詳細地址;如尚未確認則先填寫城市及郵遞區號)
    • How will you be accommodated (居住房源種類)
    • Do you intend to retain your permanent residence outside the Federal Republic of Germany? (保留原居住地居留權,一般為 Yes)
    • Do family members intend to accompany you? (前往是否有家人陪同)
    • Do you have health insurance (for a longer stay) for the Federal Republic of Germany? (是否有購買醫療保險)
德國學生簽證 Previous stays in the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Previous stays in the Federal Republic of Germany (是否曾經居住在德國,如有請填寫居住時間及城市)
德國學生簽證 Declaration
  • Declaration
    • Have you ever been convicted (過去是否曾有犯罪紀錄)
    • Have you ever been expelled or deported from the Federal Republic of Germany, had an application for a residence permit rejected, or been refused entry into the Federal Republic of Germany? (過去是否有被驅逐或拒絕入境德國的紀錄)
    • Do you suffer from any of the following diseases? (是否患有下述任何一種疾病 : 天花、脊髓灰質炎、人類不常見的流感類型(例如“禽流感”、“豬流感”)、急性大流行性流感、嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症 (SARS)、霍亂、肺鼠疫、黃熱病、病毒性出血熱(例如伊波拉病毒、拉沙熱、馬堡病毒出血熱)
+ 更多創作

接下來,出國只需要面對學校課業、職場工作嗎? 抵達當地後,過去經驗中起初 1-2 個月,研究和辦理小至門號、網路,大至銀行、保險關係到金錢的服務,往往會占用我們生活中將近一半的空閒時間,因此 WillStudy 團隊希望提供大家相關的介紹 & 教學,節省大家在海外寶貴的一分一秒,迅速讓海外生活找到節奏、步上正軌。

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